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Latest Journal

Click here for a copy of our latest Journal Edition. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2024.


School-Link E-list

Join our free e-list here to receive resources, primarily the CHW School-Link Journal, and from time to time other relevant material concerning the mental health of children and adolescents with an intellectual or developmental disability.

CHW School-Link Brochure

Download our latest CHW School-Link service brochure here: 

Guidelines on Pathways to Care

A guide for parents and carers: Guidelines on Pathways to Care for children and adolescents with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour and/or mental health problems.  

Excutive Summary

View the executive summary of the "Leading the Way in Mental Health and Intellectual Disability" needs analysis report here.


Behaviour Support in Schools

View the 2017 Obudsman Inquiry into behaviour management in schools. This report focuses on issues concerning students with complex needs and challenging behaviour. The report discusses the difficult challenges that schools face, but also draws attention to reasonable steps that can and should be taken to meet the learning and support needs of students, within a framework of best practice and evidence-based behaviour support.



Mental Health Intellectual & Developmental Disability School-Link 10 Year Anniversary Celebration

We celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the School-Link Initiative at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead on Monday the 11th of November 2019. A multidisciplinary and multi-agency agenda was presented reviewing the successes and future challenges in our industry. Please find the presentations and links to the recordings below. 


Part 1: 10 years of CHW School-Link

Presentation: 10 Years of CHW School-Link Achievements by Dr David Dossetor
Child Psychiatrist with a special interest in Intellectual and Developmental Disability at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Dr Dossetor gave us a history of the School-Link team and the Developmental Psychiatry Team at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead. In this presentation David outlines: the establishment of the Developmental Psychiatry Clinics and partnerships; the development of specialised Intellectual Disability Mental Health (IDMH) for children and adolescents; the Developmental Psychiatry Curriculum and framework; Changing models of disability service provision; CHW School-Link: 10 milestones in 10 years;  future opportunity and threats; enhancement funding;  Shifting sands of collaboration and NDIS; Research partners and promise and the next 10 years!  
Presentation: The partnership between Disability Clinicians and Developmental Psychiatry by Lesley Whatson, Portfolio Manager Clinical Practice SAL Consulting
Lesley provides us with an insightful view of what the future of collaboration could be if we all supported each other in the ever changing world of disability. 
Clinical Psychologist at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
In this presentation Dr Michelle Wong outlines: what emotional literacy is; models of skill development; how to engage learners; existing translational research and ;the impact of emotional literacy and the Westmead Feelings Program. 
School-Link Coordinator at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Jodie provides a snapshot into a school clinic that is run in Western Sydney. The presentation provides an overview and outlines the benefits of this outreach service that is run by health in conjunction with the host school.  

Part 2: The advances in the mental health services for people with intellectual disability in NSW 

Director, Intellectual Disability Mental Health, Mental Health Branch, NSW Ministry of Health. 
In his presentation Vince outlines the following: challenges in accessing mental health care for people with ID; NSW state-wide strategic priorities; funding for Intellectual Disability and Mental Health; state-wide tertiary ID/MH hubs; cognitive impairment and forensic reforms; key lessons for future development of Intellectual Disability Mental Health
Chair, Intellectual Disability Mental Health and Head, Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry UNSW. 
Julian discusses how people with an intellectual disability are core users for mental health services, and how research is being used to advance mental health services in NSW. Further details and resources are available at Follow 3DN on twitter ‎@3DN_UNSW. 
Manager, Intellectual Disability Health Network, Child and family stream. Care across the lifestyle and Society, Agency for Clinical Innovation
Tracey shares important work and resources from the ACI Intellectual Disability Network such as: a needs analysis from NSW LHD's; The Service Framework to Improve the Health of people with Intellectual Disability; 10 principles of good health care for people with ID: Guidelines on pathways to care for children and adolescents with intellectual disability and mental health/challenging behaviours; Say Less Show More resources; Responding to the Needs of People with a Disability during Hospitalisation and; Building the capability in NSW health services for people with intellectual disabilities: the Essentials. 
Manager, Carer Support Service, Northern Sydney Local Health District
Barbara gives an insightful presentation on the important role of carers for people with an intellectual disability and debates if their needs have been met. She then concludes her talk with where improvements in the sector are most needed.  
Lawyer and Senior Advocate, NSW Council for Intellectual Disability
Jim discusses how health and mental health has been a key advocacy issue for the Council of Intellectual Disability.