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Latest Journal

Click here for a copy of our latest Journal Edition. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2024.


School-Link E-list

Join our free e-list here to receive resources, primarily the CHW School-Link Journal, and from time to time other relevant material concerning the mental health of children and adolescents with an intellectual or developmental disability.

CHW School-Link Brochure

Download our latest CHW School-Link service brochure here: 

Guidelines on Pathways to Care

A guide for parents and carers: Guidelines on Pathways to Care for children and adolescents with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour and/or mental health problems.  

Excutive Summary

View the executive summary of the "Leading the Way in Mental Health and Intellectual Disability" needs analysis report here.


Behaviour Support in Schools

View the 2017 Obudsman Inquiry into behaviour management in schools. This report focuses on issues concerning students with complex needs and challenging behaviour. The report discusses the difficult challenges that schools face, but also draws attention to reasonable steps that can and should be taken to meet the learning and support needs of students, within a framework of best practice and evidence-based behaviour support.



Stepping Stones Triple P

What is Stepping Stones Triple P?

Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) is part of the Triple P parenting program, and has been specially tailored for parents of children with a disability. It doesn't tell you how to be a parent. It's more like a toolbox of ideas. Parents choose strategies they need. They choose the way they want to use them. It's all about making it work for parents.

What does Stepping Stones Triple P do?

The three Ps in "Triple P" stand for "Positive Parenting Program", which means family life is going to be much more enjoyable.

Stepping Stones Triple P helps:

  • Raise happy, confident kids
  • Manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more
  • Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
  • Encourage behaviour you like
  • Take care of yourself as a parent
  • Feel confident you're doing the right thing
  • Take part in community events
  • Develop plans for tricky situations

How does positive parenting work?

Because all families are different, Stepping Stones Triple P has a range of ways to get your positive parenting help. Choose anything from single visit consultations to public seminars, group courses to private sessions. You can even do Stepping Stones Triple P online at home.


To find out more and look for sessions near you go to the Triple P website here:

 Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4